RESPONDER LogoEuropean Union FP7

Knowledge base: Sustainable ICT

This section provides access to knowledge related to the RESPONDER multinational knowledge brokerage events on Sustainable ICT.

Please note that the main parts of the RESPONDER knowledge base are only accessible for registered users. To gain access, please register or login.

Background papers

(721 kB)
Green ICT for Sustainable Consumption?
This paper provides background material on the core issues of the RESPONDER project and the 2nd Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event on Green ICT for Sustainable Consumption? in order to promote active participation and engagement in the debate.
Karin Dobernig Karin Dobernig - How can ICT contribute to Green Growth?
(382 kB)
Background paper on Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?
This paper provided background material on the 1st Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event on Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?

Knowledge units & posters

  • ICT-Supported Behavior Change

  • The Roles of Households in the Smart Grid

  • Smart Meters - The Land of Promises

  • Cloud Computing - Promises, Challenges & Open Questions

  • Labelling of Consumer Electronics - Examples of mandatory and voluntary eco-labels in the EU

  • Television - A Story of Untamed Growth

System maps

Questions & Answers (Q&A)

Here we provide answers to questions collected during the RESPONDER multinational knowledge brokerage events on Sustainable ICT. If you have additional quesitons - or answers - we invite you to get into contact with us ( or to start or get involved in a discussion in the RESPONDER discussion fora.


In how far can ICT supported information systems actually lead to behavioral change towards sustainability?


The knowledge unit PDFICT-Supported Behavior Change (PFD, 470 kB) has been produced in view of answering this question.

>> Reply to this answer or post a related question in the discussion forum.


Can carbon accounting be an option to leverage ICT for sustainable consumption?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.


How could a common methodology to assess environmental impacts of ICT look like?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.


What are the key trends in ICT and their implications for sustainable consumption?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.


How can we design policies and practices to realize the potential of ICTs and promote a process towards sustainable consumption?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.


What is the potential of cloud computing as enabler of sustainable consumption?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.


How do smart meters in the smart grid affect household energy consumption and carbon emissions?


Be the first one to provide an answer to this question - via email or the discussion forum.

Relevant scientific/political/etc. publications

© 2024 Institute for Managing Sustainability
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna

The RESPONDER project is funded by FP7 under
the Environment (including Climate Change) theme.